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Archive for the 'Jornadas y Congresos' Category

Séminaire international «Outils d’aide X la traduction»

viernes, enero 18th, 2008

Bucarest (Roumanie) — 28-29 février 2008

Ce séminaire international, placé sous le haut patronage de l’Académie roumaine, se déroulera sur deux jours. Une vitrine technologique sera mise à la disposition des participants. Elle constituera un lieu de rencontre permettant aux entreprises de promouvoir leurs outils ou de proposer des formations.

Y seront présents des spécialistes en industries de la langue, des développeurs d’outils langagiers, des enseignants, des étudiants, etc.

Les débats porteront sur :

Les outils de traduction automatique ou assistée

Les outils de recherche (Internet, dictionnaires électroniques, bases de données, etc.)

L’informatisation de la langue roumaine (ressources informatisées disponibles et en projet)

Les outils de gestion terminologique

Les langues officielles du séminaire seront le français et le roumain.


Les droits d’inscription permettent d’assister à l’ensemble des travaux du colloque et à la vitrine technologique, de recevoir les actes dès leur publication et la totalité des documents des documents nécessaires au suivi des travaux.

Tarif normal :
30 € (ou équivalent en RON au cours du jour)

Tarifs réduits :
15 € (ou équivalent en RON au cours du jour) — membres de l’Académie roumaine, Académie d’études économiques et Institut de linguistique « Iorgu Iordan-Al. Rosetti »
10 € (ou équivalent en RON au cours du jour) – étudiants

Les frais d’inscription peuvent être acquittés sur place ou par mandat postal, destinataire : Adriana Mariana Marinescu, Uniunea Latină, Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13, 050711 Bucureşti- România.

Mas información en http://dtil.unilat.org/seminar_bucuresti_2008/index_fr.htm

Seminario ASETRAD

lunes, enero 14th, 2008

El próximo 13 de octubre Asetrad organiza en Barcelona junto con FIT Europa
un seminario sobre derechos de autor, propiedad intelectual y memorias de

En el seminario se abordarán los problemas a los que deben enfrentarse los
traductores cuando utilizan memorias de traducción y bases de datos de
terminología. Se tratará sobre la negociación de precios en trabajos que se
realizan con este tipo de herramientas, especialmente cuando la memoria o el
glosario lo facilita el cliente o éste desea recibir una copia con la
traducción. También se debatirá sobre otras cuestiones relacionadas con los
derechos de propiedad intelectual que puedan afectar a la traducción. Entre
los participantes previstos figuran responsables de servicios lingüísticos
de la Unión Europea, Naciones Unidas y otras organizaciones internacionales,
fabricantes de software, directores de servicios de traducción de grandes
empresas, representantes de agencias de traducción, de asociaciones europeas
de traductores y traductores autónomos.

Encontraréis el programa y más información sobre el seminario en :

TKE 2008

lunes, noviembre 26th, 2007

TKE 2008
8th International conference on
Terminology and Knowledge Engineering

Managing Ontologies
and Lexical Resources

18th – 21st August 2008
Copenhagen Business School



The eighth international conference on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering, TKE 2008, is organised by GTW and the Department of International Language Studies and Computational Linguistics at the Copenhagen Business School in cooperation with Termnet and other associations and consortia, national and international organisations.

Venue: Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark.

– Pre-conference workshops: 18th August 2008
– Main conference: 19th -20th August 2008
– Post-conference workshops: 21st August 2008

Conference web site: http://uk.cbs.dk/tke2008

The theme of TKE 2008 will be ‘ontologies and other lexical resources, including foundational issues of ontology, terminology and lexicography and issues concerning development and management of resources.’
Within this theme the conference will welcome papers and workshop proposals on all aspects of Terminology and Knowledge Management, such as:

• Ontologies
• Concept systems
• Classification systems & thesauri
• Taxonomies

• Metadata taxonomies
• Data elements and data categories
• Metamodels

• Knowledge extraction
• Terminology extraction
• Terminology in e-government and sector standardization
• Terminology policies

• LSP lexicography
• Corporate lexicography

• Learning terminology and lexicography

The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers from these related fields, provide an overview of the state-of-the-art, discuss problems and opportunities, exchange information regarding the topics mentioned above. TKE 2008 will also cover applications, ongoing and planned activities, industrial uses and needs, as well as requirements coming from the new e-society.

The Scientific Programme will include invited talks and oral presentations.
Extended abstracts of papers for oral presentations should consist of about 2500 words. Abstracts will be reviewed by the Programme Committee.
Abstracts should be submitted via the web-page as a pdf file NOT mentioning the names of authors. On the submission page authors will be asked to give a short summary of max. 150 words to be entered directly.

• Submission of proposals for workshops: 1st December 2007
• Submission of extended abstracts for oral papers: 1st December 2007
• Notification of acceptance of workshop proposals: 15th January 2008
• Notification of acceptance of oral papers: 15th January 2008
• Final versions for the proceedings (size to be announced): 1st May 2008

• Pre-conference workshops: 18th August 2008
• Main conference: 19th -20th August 2008
• Post-conference workshops: 21st August 2008

A limited number of workshops is foreseen. Proposals will be reviewed by the Organizing Committee.
Pre-conference workshops will be organized on 18th August 2008, and post-conference workshops on 21st August 2008. A workshop in the context of this conference is a half or a full day event that brings together researchers, professionals and industrial practitioners for paper presentations and discussions in workshop-like settings. Workshops should focus on fostering discussion and avoid being presentation only; at least half the time should be devoted to discussion. The precise organization is flexible and the workshop organizers are completely free in the organization of the workshop.
Workshop participants and paper authors are expected to register for the conference. TKE 2008 will not pay for registration, travel, or other arrangements for workshop organizers or any of their invited guests. All participants, including workshop organizers, must register.
The workshops will be announced on the TKE 2008 web site. Proceedings will be printed for each workshop.
You are invited to submit a workshop proposal as part of the TKE 2008 Conference. Workshop proposals should be e-mailed to tke2008@cbs.dk by 1st December 2007. The subject line should be: TKE 2008 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL.

Proposals for workshops should be no longer than three pages, and include:
• The title of the workshop.
• A brief description of the specific issues that the workshop will address, suitable for proposal evaluation and early posting on the web site.
• The reasons why the workshop is of interest this time.
• The names, postal addresses, phone and fax numbers and email addresses of the workshop organizing committee.
• A brief description of each organizer’s background.
• The name of the member of the workshop organizing committee designated as the contact person.
• A time schedule of the workshop and a preliminary agenda.
• A list of topics for which contributions are sought.
• A preliminary version of the call for papers the workshop organizers intend to use.
• A calendar of deadlines for submission, notification, and camera-ready copy (which must be compatible with TKE deadlines). Workshop organizers are responsible for providing a camera-ready version of the workshop proceedings to the TKE organizing committee by 1st May 2008 at the latest.
• A list of audio-visual or technical requirements and any special room requirements.
The workshop proposers will be responsible for the organizational aspects (e.g. workshop call preparation and distribution, review of papers, notification of acceptance, assembling of the workshop proceedings, etc.). Workshops are expected to be financially self-supporting. The conference organizers will establish workshop registration rates so as to provide the room, audio-visual equipment, Internet access, snacks for breaks, and the workshop proceedings.
Within the framework of the TKE Conference an exhibition will be organized which will present systems, services, institutions, projects and publications in the fields discussed. Further details about the exhibition, including information about fees, will be circulated together with the announcement of workshops and posted on the TKE 2008 web site. No extra fee will be charged for demonstrations that are related to an oral presentation.
Internet connections and various computer platforms and facilities will be available at the conference site.


• Klaus-Dirk Schmitz, Fachhochschule Köln, Cologne
• Christian Galinski, Infoterm, Vienna
• Key-Sun Choi, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
• Bodil Nistrup Madsen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
• Hanne Erdman Thomsen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark


• Bodil Nistrup Madsen
• Hanne Erdman Thomsen
• Henrik Køhler Simonsen

Research Group for Terminology, Lexicography & LSP Communication
Department of International Language Studies and Computational Linguistics Copenhagen Business School
Contact: tke2008@cbs.dk


Khurshid Ahmad UK
Bassey Antia NG
Magnar Brekke NO
Gerhard Budin AU
Maria Teresa Cabré ES
Nicoletta Calzolari IT
Nelida Chan CA
Key-Sun Choi KO
Rute Costa PT
Annelise Grinsted DK
Koiti Hasida JP
Gerhard Heyer DE
Håvard Hjulstad NO
Atanas Kiryakov BG
Hendrick Kockaert BE
Henrik Køhler Simonsen DK
Jae Sung Lee KR
Marie-Claude L’Homme CA
Bodil Nistrup Madsen DK
Sun Maosong CN
Lise Mourier DK
Johan Myking NO
Anita Nuopponen FI
Helena Palm SE
Bolette S. Pedersen DK
Heribert Picht DK/DE
Laurent Romary FR
Peter Sandrini AU
Klaus-Dirk Schmitz DE
Kiril Simov BG
Frieda Steurs NL
Hanne Erdman Thomsen DK
Birthe Toft DK
Kara Warburton CA
Lotte Weilgaard DK
Changqing Zhou CN

I Congreso Internacional sobre Lenguaje y Asistencia Sanitaria (participación)

martes, octubre 30th, 2007

Participación (segunda circular)
http://www.iulma.es/eniusimg/enius128/2007/02/adjuntos_fichero_30774.pdf Read the rest of this entry »

I Congreso Internacional sobre Lenguaje y Asistencia Sanitaria

miércoles, octubre 24th, 2007

I Congreso Internacional sobre Lenguaje y Asistencia Sanitaria
24, 25 y 26 de octubre de 2007

Estimados/as colegas:

El Instituto Interuniversitario de Lenguas Modernas Aplicadas de la Comunidad Valenciana (IULMA) se complace en anunciar la primera edición del Congreso Internacional sobre Lenguaje y Asistencia Sanitaria, que se celebrará en la Universidad de Alicante (España) los días 24, 25 y 26 de octubre de 2007. El tema central del congreso será el estudio del lenguaje en el escenario de las ciencias de la salud y la asistencia sanitaria: perspectivas aplicadas entre disciplinas. Dado su carácter interdisciplinar se acogerán trabajos en las áreas representadas por los siete paneles temáticos en los que se han estructurado el congreso. El evento está organizado por la Universidad de Alicante y la Universidad Jaume I de Castellón.

Se espera que a mediados de noviembre salga la convocatoria definitiva.

El tema central del I Congreso Internacional sobre Lenguaje y Asistencia Sanitaria será:

«Estudio del lenguaje en el escenario de las ciencias de la salud y la asistencia sanitaria: perspectivas aplicadas entre disciplinas»

El objetivo de este congreso es doble:

(a) explorar las posibilidades que el análisis lingüístico-discursivo puede aportar para comprender mejor todo lo relacionado con el lenguaje de la asistencia sanitaria;

(b) iniciar un primer examen y análisis de estas posibilidades en torno a los siete paneles que se indican en http://www.iulma.es/noticia.asp?idnoticia=522.

Queremos que este congreso se convierta en un foro integrador donde se estimule el debate científico, el intercambio de ideas y, sea, en definitiva un punto de encuentro entre especialistas en las diferentes áreas de la lingüística aplicada y las ciencias de la salud Así, esperamos que sirva de lugar de confluencia entre investigadores de diferentes disciplinas y subdisciplinas que tienen como objetivo prioritario el estudio del lenguaje en todas sus manifestaciones.

Más información: http://www.iulma.es/noticia.asp?idnoticia=522